Introducing AmyPDB, the amyloid protein database
AMYPdb access
Anonymous access to the website is limited to AMYPdb database. Registration give access to additional data and tools as MetAmyl, a software dedicated to the prediction of aggregtion-prone segments in proteins, associated with other predictors and graphical methods. Six unpublished search methods are available including searching of amyloid motifs in protein sequences. Registration is free and a quick process using the [Signup] link from the "My AMYPdb" menu. AMYPdb and server is restricted to academic and non-profit users. Commercial users must obtain a license. Please contact us for more information :
What are amyloid proteins?
Proteins or fragments of them that, in special circumstances, become misfolded and auto-aggregate into fibrils exhibiting a typical cross-beta structure. Amyloid proteins are involved in many but unrelated diseases such as systemic amyloidoses, Alzheimer's, Parkinson's, Huntington's, prion's diseases and medullary carcinoma of the thyroid or type 2 diabetes mellitus.
Our bioinformatic approach
In the case of amyloid proteins, bioinformatic methods are particularly advisable because insoluble aggregates formed by those proteins are resistant to many biochemical and structural conditions. Moreover, putative amyloid proteins exist in numerous organisms, from yeasts to humans, including fishes or reptiles. An exhaustive knowledge of amyloid proteins is therefore nearly impossible using only biological techniques.
The Amyloid Protein DataBase
AMYPdb is an online database dedicated to amyloid precursor families and to their amino
acid sequence signatures.
This is a beta version of the new website for AMYPdb.
The protein files are from UniProtKB 2015 release.
Expert contribution
We encourage experts to participate to the AMYPdb project. Members can obtain an
expert account by sending an email to, or by using
links available in the database. A wiki system allows contributors to add accurate
biological data to protein and families description.
This site is a beta version of the new database. For your work, please cite our first paper : Pawlicki, S., Le Bechec, A. and Delamarche, C., (2008) AMYPdb: a database dedicated to amyloid precursor proteins, BMC bioinformatics, 9, 273-284.
S. Pawlicki, A. Le Bechec, A. Talvas and C. Bloquet participated in the developpement of the interface and programmed some parts of the pipeline for protein classification and aggregation.